The International Islamic Correspondence School
Department of Quranic Studies



As you have leamed, idolatry is the oppsite of Tauheed (one-ness) of ALLAH. We have learned the benefits of one-ness of ALLAH (to become believers in it), we should also be aware of the harms of idolatry, so that we can avoid its course.

1. Idolatry means not worshiping ALLAH alone but to include others along with Him or he may believe that some one, other than ALLAH, can also resolve his problems or provide him with sustenance or punish him. All such wrong and false beliefs sweep away the rewards for good deeds. An idolater would be condemned to hell on the Dooms-day and would never be pardoned. (May Allah S.W.T. protects all of us from hell ……

ALLAH, the Magnificent, says :

“It is not for such as join gods with ALLAH, to visit or maintain the mosques of ALLAH, while they witness against their own souls to infidelity. The works of such bear no fruit. In fire shall they dwell”. (9:17)

2. Idolatry results in all round bloodshed and unrest, because no one believes in the false idols of others, when they have given up the dictates of their real creator.

ALLAH the magnificent ordains :

“It is ALLAH WHO has created you: further, He has provided for your sustenance; then He will cause you to die; and again He will give you life. Are there any of your (false) partners, who can do any single, one of these things? Glory to Him! And High is He above the partners, they attributed to Him. Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of (the deeds) that hands of men have earned, that ALLAH may give them a taste of some of their deeds; in order that they may turn back from evil”. (30 : 40 to 41)

3. Idolatry restricts the sustenance and despite means and wealth nothing sustains.

ALLAH the magnificent says :

“But who-soever turns away from My message, verily for him is a life narrowed down, and we shall raise him up blind on the day of Judgement. He will say: “O! my lord, why hast thou raised me up blind, while I had sight before”. ALLAH (S.W.T) will say: “Thus didst thou, when our signs came unto thee, disregard them: so wilt thou this day, be disregarded”. And thus do we recompense him who transgresses beyond bounds, and believes not in the signs of his Lord: and the penalty of the hereafter is far more grievous and more enduring”. (20 : 124 to 127)

4. None will help the idolater on the day of Judgement. Even those whom they worshipped and called partners of ALLAH, would be of no help to them. Rather they would then partnership with ALLAH.

ALLAH the most magnificent says :

“And behold! ALLAH will say: O! Jesus, the son of MARY, didst thou say unto men, “worship me and my mother as gods, in derogation of ALLAH”. He will say,” Glory to Thee, never could I say what I have no right to say. Had I said such a thing, thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, though I know not what is in thine, for Thou knowest in full all that is hidden”. (5 : 116)

5. ALLAH the magnificent is most benevolent and forgiving. He in His grace can pardon the greatest of sins. But idolatary is such a heinous and appalling sin that He will not forgive it on any account, so it is very essential to avoid idolatry.

ALLAH, the magnificent says :

“ALLAH forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but he forgiveth any thing else to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with ALLAH is to devise a sin, most heinous indeed”. (4 : 116)


Having read the Lesson “Harms of Idolatry”, answer the following questions. Mark against the correct answer.

Q.1. To ALLAH, even the good deeds of an idolater are

Valueless ( )

Acceptable ( )

Q.2. Read the verse 40 to 41 of AR-RUM, given in Para No. 2 and fill in the following blanks :

“…….. Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of

(the meed) that hands of men have …….., that ALLAH may give them a taste of some of …………; in order that they may turn back from ……”.

Q.3. Because of idolatry punishment is imposed in this world as well as the hereafter. The worldly punishment is imposed in this world as well as one remains short of sustenance and all along mentally and physically disturbed.

Read the verses 124 to 127 of TAHA, given in Para No. 3, over again and fill in the following blanks :

“………….. And thus do we recompense him who ………………. Beyond bounds, and believes not in the signs of his Lord: and the penalty of the hereafter is far more …………………………………”.

Q.4. Would those who worship false and fabricated idols instead of ALLAH :

a) be helped a lot and saved from the punishment of ALLAH by their idols ( )

b) not be helped at all by these idols, and they (idols) would not be able to save them (worshippers) from the punishment of ALLAH, but would rather refuse their partnership with Him. ( )

Q.5 Is idolatry a sin pardonable by ALLAH ?

(Yes) (No)



1 Valueless

2 …… have earned …… their deedes…… evil"

3 : so wilt thou this day, be disregarded …… transgresse …… grievous and more enduring."

4 (b)

5 No